Thursday, June 6, 2019

KOI TOKEN - Utility Tokens Based on Ethereum Networks Below the ERC20 Standard

Hi friends If you are interested in joining the KOI project, you should read reviews that can help you get information that can help you see their vision and mission. Here's the review:

About KOI

KOI is a utility token based on the Ethereum network under the ERC20 standard, which is created to facilitate P2P, P2C, C2C transactions and in our ecosystem applications. We built the actual massification of the blockchain and our development aims to take advantage of its potential without the need for technology to do so.

About Koitech Studio

We are a Fintech company that is responsible for analyzing current market weaknesses and creating special tools that meet the needs and ensure the growth of our partners' investments.

Our mission is to promote blockchain use in every environment and commercial sector, develop innovative ideas and projects that allow access for everyone to a transparent and decentralized economy.

KOI is one of the best investments in cryptoactives today, both for projects that have been contemplated, and for profits for investors. We encourage integration with the commercial sector, giving awards for the use of our platform.

In addition to providing some revenue options to our token holders, we provide solutions for business needs that require the transparency, speed and ease of use that we can only offer.

Our investors will have the opportunity to market our tokens for other cryptoactives on several important exchanges, we also offer discounts of up to 20% and discount prices depending on the amount you want to invest.

ICO Distribution

The project goal was achieved thanks to the good distribution of funds received through initial currency sales, ensuring the foundation of a sustainable ecosystem in the early stages of our activities.

Business Opportunities with ICO
  • 25% virtual POS
  • CryptoGame 25%
  • Academic 20%
  • 15% marketing
  • 10% development
  • 5% prize
KOI Distribution

Safe and profitable new token
  • Founder 5%
  • 70% public distribution
  • 3% prize
  • 8% marketing
  • 4% investigation
  • 10 partners
For details information about KOI, it is important to check their various links and channels indicated below:

Bitcointalk username: cold_murchete

DAGOMINING - Adequate Basic Natural Mining Field

Hello everyone, in this post I will introduce a very good project, DagoMining, and for more details, let's just go to the following discussion:

Solar energy is developing by leaps and bounds. This happens for a reason, because you can repeatedly hear that the sun is an inexhaustible source of energy. Solar panels are being introduced in such areas as:
  • Industry; agriculture;
  • Private sector;
  • Space; and so on.
People who have solar systems installed will at some point produce an excess of energy. These people are trying to sell this excess energy in order to recover part of the cost of purchasing a renewable system or even to profit from it.

These vital assets are renewable, that is, they are usually replenished. On the contrary, fossil reserves are a limited asset, which will take a huge amount of years to create and use of these resources. 

Renewable energy sources also have a much smaller impact on the earth than fossil fuels that produce poisons, such as ozone-depleting substances, as a by-product, to changes in the atmosphere. To gain access to petroleum derivatives, either mining is usually required, or penetration deep into the earth, often in natural, delicate areas.

Green energy, however, uses sources of vitality, which are quickly available everywhere in the world, including in provincial and remote areas, which, as a rule, do not fit electricity. Advances in sustainable energy have led to lower costs for solar panels, wind turbines, and other sources.

Dago Mining is just a basic adequate natural mining farm, we do not rely on energy companies, we produce energy from solar-focal warm photovoltaic systems, and we have an environmental heat and energy storage system made from batteries salt water, so we can mine even at night. This arrangement with an exceptionally low maintenance cost removes us from the future increase in viability costs, keeping costs at around 0.1–0.2 kopecks / kW.

DAGO mining structured the mining framework with three improvements together: a highly efficient photoelectric framework that uses sun-oriented fixation panels, combined with an inventive framework for accumulating vital forces in salt water batteries, which will cause the ranch to act naturally adequately in terms of viability in 12 a year and a half from the beginning. For dynamic development and collection of equipment for mining using excellent graphics processors, not just video cards and ASIC chips.

Dago Mining decided to produce energy and use it for the extraction of minerals with a concentration of hot sun, and the accumulated energy (hot and electrical) in the ecological plan will give us the opportunity to extract minerals even at night. Work at Mining Dago is very economical, effective for small and medium-sized enterprises, so the cost of products will be less than the results that will be installed later.


DAGO tokens are standard ERC-20 Ethereum.

DAGO tokens give the owner the right to:
  • Receive 50% of mining operations, divided as follows: 40% monthly, 1 month after the start
  • 10% reinvestment to increase mining capacity
  • Receive 20% of the calculation of electricity rent, divided by The following:
  • Monthly payment of 20%, 1 month after the start of reinvestment in the amount of 05% to increase mining capacity.
  • Use the shop to buy mining power at a 30% discount, ICO New Mine, others will apply.
DAGO Mining reinvests 40% of its profits in 18 months, which will be revalued in 2008.
Hardware and photovoltaic elements will increase the overall strength of the hash for all miners for all the benefits, 10% will cover the costs of maintenance, administration, staff, etc.

The volume of the initial problem with the token: 150,000,000 DAGO
Price of tokens in FIAT currency: 1 DAGO = 1 $
Unallocated tokens will be destroyed.

Token Distribution:
  • 85% of token owners
  • 15% of founders and companies
You can join or participate in the DagoMining sales crowd through the following links:

Bitcointalk username: cold_murchete

HIGHBANK - A Decentralized Platform That Enables Many Streams Of Income And Investment

What is HighBank?

HighBank is a decentralized platform that allows multiple streams of income and investment for various users, belonging to various groups.

HighBank is the only ICO launch platform of its kind. We allow business owners to choose the best talents on our platform to increase the likelihood of their crowdfunding. Regulations related to the HighBank will be proportional to STO.

The HighBank democratizes crypto trading in the following sense: (i) Creating more opportunities for traders to buy, sell, and exchange their favorite virtual currencies; (ii) Providing starters, who intend to use ICO as a means to raise funds, an international platform that enables them to gain global recognition; (iii) Providing Blockchain start-ups of all the tools needed to safely execute and market their ICO; (iv) Partnering with established marketing communities on popular platforms such as Telegram and YouTube to help beginners start their fast-track ICO reach to as many communities as possible;

HighBank aims to create a one-stop platform that provides a holistic blockchain experience to any developer, crypto trader and marketing agent through decentralized decision-making methodologies throughout the community. The most important components of the HighBank eco-bank system are: ICO List Platform, ICO Launch, and Crowdfunding Platform, Decentralized Crypto Exchange, and HighBank Online & Offline Community.

Why Pursue Decentralization?

This question is sure to keep you excited for some time now. If you want to evaluate a facility from decentralization, I suggest you think of ‘not putting your trust in one person’. All revolve around this idea. Let’s see how. 

There is no point of failure 

When we use databases on a centralized server, they are not only vulnerable to hacking attacks but if EVERY problem occurs, there is no way to keep the items currently being hosted by the 
Now apply the same concept to our use case. If you visit the exchange for the trading currency and the server down, you cannot exchange your currency, anything. You are both bound until the obstacles are resolved.
But in Crypto World, the concept of relying on someone for each transaction is eliminated and everyone has an equal share in the network. Which means if HighBank exchanges host of 1000 users and 5 of them go down simultaneously (which is practically equivalent to 5 full fledge servers), the network can still use the remaining 995 nodes to keep the infrastructure alive. 
Therefore, being very tolerant of errors and elements of fraud out there needs to be very large resources to compromise the network – which is only theoretically possible, until now

Problems  - The leading platform on the market is centralized and makes it difficult for blockchain-based businesses to grow and offer benefits. This produces
  • Abuse of power
  • Point of failure
  • There is no consensus
  • Unreachable
Solutions – HighBank allows you to register the ICO for review, consult with our experts, use our dashboard to manage and market your brand, launch tokens and enjoy decentralized exchange facilities. Our main advantages are:
  • Anonymity
  • There is no network downtime
  • Authority spreads across the network
  • Error resistance
The HighBank democratizes crypto trading in the following sense:
  1. Create more opportunities for traders to buy, sell, and exchange their favorite virtual flows.
  2. Providing new companies, which intend to use ICO as a means to raise funds, an international platform that enables them to gain global recognition.
  3. Provide a Blockchain start-up of all the tools needed to execute and market their ICO safely.
  4. Partner with established marketing communities on popular platforms such as Telegram and YouTube to help beginners start quickly tracking their ICO reach to as many communities as possible.
  5. Organize and organize annual seminars and conferences that promote knowledge creation and sharing among the Blockchain community.
  6. Acting as a center for technological innovation that encourages and supports new companies to design, manufacture and commercialize innovative technologies.
How can I become part of the HighBank?

This is a decentralized platform that allows multiple streams of income and investment for various users, belonging to various groups. For more information, please see our whitepaper
Buying our tokens means that you are an important part of the network that not only safeguards your funds, but also offers long-term investment opportunities. We will continue to work on the latest technology and ideas to strengthen our partnerships and increase your Return on Investment.

How do I benefit from the HighBank Network?

Buying our tokens means that you are an important part of the network that not only safeguards your funds, but also offers long-term investment opportunities. We will continue to work on the latest technology and ideas to strengthen our partnerships and increase your Return on Investment.

Token Distribution
  • 40% of sales
  • 30% Management, R & D
  • 16% Team & Advisor
  • 10% backup
  • 4% Marketing & Promotion
  • 40% Token Sale Program
  • 31% Staffing
  • 10% marketing
  • 9% Operating Costs
  • 6% Consultation
  • 4% Legal
  • Name: HighBank (HIGH)
  • Contract Address: 0x1354c8C1A66C2573Ce9cC3e92e98D17869501A46
  • Explorer Token: Click Here to See in Etherscan
  • Purchased Methods Received: BTC, ETH, LTC
  • Hard Cap 40.000.000 USD
  • Soft Cap 5.000.000 USD
  • 1.00 USD Price Token
  • Total Token Supply: 100 Million
  • New Token Emission: No (Fixed Supply)
  • Key Your Customer (KYC): Ya
  • Min Purchase Cap: 50 Tokens
  • Maximum Purchase Limit : Unlimited
  • White List: No.
  • Tokens Offered
  • 40 Million HIGH
  • Platform Blockchain
  • Ethereum Mainnet
  • Standard ERC20
Extraordinary Team

Co-Founder and Co-Chairman

Co-Founder and Co-Chairman

Keeley C. Wilkinson
Exclusive highest official

Tapendra Shee
Blockchain Architect

Asad Hayat
Blockchain Expert

Sheraz Arshad
Full-stacked Blockchain developers

Sakil Mahmud
Backend developer

Bijon Pramanik
Blockchain Expert

Rasel Mahmud
UI / UX Developer

Tanmoy Banerjee
Business Developer

Prasad Seerapu
QA Specialist

Azeem Saifi
Editor in chief

Ahsan Rasheed
Creative Chief
For details information about HighBank, it is important to check their various links and channels indicated below:

Bitcointalk username: cold_murchete

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

HIGHBANK - Maximizing and Diversifying Portfolios in the Unstable Crypto Market

Hello everyone, in this review I will invite you to see how the company HighBank works. following this explanation:

About HighBank

HighBank is creating the next generation Blockchain-based ecosystem that is needed to enable the crypto community to maximize and diversify their portfolios in the volatile crypto market. We are changing the crypto market foundation to create a trade ecosystem that can increase cryptocurrency adoption. Our platform – built on the Ethereum Blockchain – will become a complete crypto trading platform that accommodates Decentralized Crypto Exchange, ICO Recording, ICO Launch, and Crowdfunding, Marketing and Partner programs, Online and Offline community centers, and Blockchain Consultations.

The HighBank democratizes crypto trading in the following sense: (i) Creating more opportunities for traders to buy, sell, and exchange their favorite virtual currencies; (ii) Providing starters, who intend to use ICO as a means to raise funds, an international platform that enables them to gain global recognition; (iii) Providing Blockchain start-ups of all the tools needed to safely execute and market their ICO; (iv) Partnering with established marketing communities on popular platforms such as Telegram and YouTube to help beginners start their fast-track ICO reach to as many communities as possible;

HighBank aims to create a one-stop platform that provides a holistic blockchain experience to any developer, crypto trader and marketing agent through decentralized decision-making methodologies throughout the community. The most important components of the HighBank eco-bank system are: ICO List Platform, ICO Launch, and Crowdfunding Platform, Decentralized Crypto Exchange, and HighBank Online & Offline Community.

HIGHBANK creates the next generation Blockchain -based ecosystem that is needed to enable the crypto community to maximize and diversify their portfolios in the volatile crypto market. Highbank changes the foundation of the crypto market to create a trade ecosystem that can increase cryptocurrency adoption. Our platform, which will be built on the Ethereum Blockchain, will be a complete crypto trading platform that houses the Decentralized Crypto Exchange, ICO List, ICO Launch, and Crowdfunding, Marketing and Partner programs, Online and Offline community centers, and Blockchain Consultations.


The market leading platform is centralized and makes it difficult for blockchain-based businesses to grow and offer benefits. This produces:
  • Abuse of power
  • Point of failure
  • There is no consensus
  • Unexpected

HighBank allows you to register the ICO for review, consult with our experts, use our dashboard to manage and market your brand, launch tokens and enjoy decentralized exchange facilities. Our main advantages are:
  • Anonymity
  • There is no network downtime
  • Authority spread throughout the network
  • Error resistance
Let’s look at the salient features before we explore other aspects: 
High liquidity (very important to ensure that there are always buyers available for  sellers and vice versa) 
The cost structure for transactions and withdrawals is kept to a minimum. The goal is not to 
collect you large sums of money but to provide economic support so that our  network is not packaged 

Our exchanges never face downtime

Data for each coin available on the exchange is transparent and we collect it from the  server from each cryptocurrency. This ensures the difference at least in the values ​​that are being  displayed to users. 
One of our core features is that we have several currency pairs for you to trade (in  fact, some of them due to coincidence are cross-platform solutions) 
This ultimately means that exchanges offer a variety of payment options to serve the  requirements of various prospects and customers 
We believe that user friendliness is a general term. Therefore, we have invested

How can I become part of the HighBank?

This is a decentralized platform that allows multiple streams of income and investment for various users, belonging to various groups. For more information, please see our whitepaper

Buying our tokens means that you are an important part of the network that not only safeguards your funds, but also offers long-term investment opportunities. We will continue to work on the latest technology and ideas to strengthen our partnerships and increase your Return on Investment

What is the purpose of the HighBank Network?
Absolutely not. The liquidity code will be linked to a system that will ensure exchanges never face liquidity problems.

What is the USP from Highbank?
HighBank is a synonym for the word USP. An IBM Watson 500 engine will be included which will help us evaluate the ICO value.

How to register ICO at HighBank?
One of your team members must register the ICO with the original email address, name and ID verification document. Then the user must confirm his email address. After registering, the user must choose the specific profile (or membership plan) that he wants to get at the HighBank. After selecting the profile, the user must press the ‘MY ICO’ button. There, a list of ongoing ICOs will be displayed and options for launching a new ICO will also be provided.
Token Information 

Token Distribution
  • 40% – Sales
  • 30% – Management, R & D
  • 16% – Team & Advisor
  • 10% – Backup
  • 4% – Marketing & Promotion
  • Offered Tokens: 40 Million HIGH
  • Platform Blockchain: Ethereum Mainnet
  • Standard: ERC20
  • Distrbution of Tokens: 5 Days After Sales Tokens End
  • Pre Sales: February 1 – February 28
  • ICO Phase I: March 1 – March 20
  • ICO Phase II: March 21 – April 9
  • ICO Tahap III: 10 April – 30 April
How can I become part of the HighBank?
  • You can join our platform in one or all of the following capacities:
  • Traders on our exchanges
  • A marketer
  • Owner or member of the ICO team
  • Ahli ICO / Blockchain / Crypto
  • A legal practitioner
  • Consult the blockchain and cryptocurrency
For the time to dedicate the High Crying eco crypto system to this ordinary world

2018 Q3
Concept Generation
The initial thought process, business plan, strategic plan & assembly of the minimum business team

2018 Q4
The strategic plan
Research & analysis, technology teams gather, compile the whitepaper with HighBank token creation

2019 Q1
Initial Coins (ICO) Offer
HighBank Partner Systems in operation, Wallets are decentralized with the upcoming ICO list on the HighBank platform with partnerships that are increasingly developing with other Blockchain startups

2019 Q2
Launch of the HighBank Crowdfunding Platform
Ability to come up with the upcoming ICO concept to launch crowdfunding through the Eco HighBank system, Product Enhancement and UAT Testing, Advanced Partnership, Advanced Business Team Assembling & Product Marketing.

2019 Q3
Procedure for Marketing Promotion Through the Launch of the HighBank Eco System
Decision on decentralization driven by the community, HighBank’s powerful marketing strategy for the upcoming ICO

2019 Q4
Launch of the HighBank Decentralized Beta Exchange
Multi cryptocurrency exchange trading system with advanced Partnership & product Marketing

2020 Q1
Decentralized HighBank Exchange in Production
Product Enhancement and UAT Testing with sustainable partnerships & product marketing

2020 Q2
Launch of the HighBank Consortium System
HighBank’s powerful consortium system to provide a successful strategy through aggregating various ICO platforms.

2020 Q3
Opening of the HighBank R & D Center
HighBank’s offline and online community center with R & D centers around the world.

2020 Q4
Launch of Beta Mainnet Version
Launch of Mainnet Beta Version of the HighBank Blockchain Platform

2021 Q1
HighBank Blockchain Mainnet Platform in Production
Migrasi Token HighBank ERC20 Ke Platform Blockchain HighBank

For details information about HighBank, it is important to check their various links and channels indicated below:

Bitcointalk username: Cold_murchete

Monday, November 5, 2018

NODVIX - Digital Broadcast Solutions for Content Makers, Advertisers, and Viewers

Greetings community, in this post I will introduce a very interesting project, NODVIX, and here are all the reviews:

What is NODVIX?

NODVIX is a 24-hour broadcasting platform designed to display interesting and relevant video content specific to a user's interests. NODVIX is a self-regulating, open to all, real-time, video content platform that bypasses the restrictions found within the current $1.7 trillion broadcasting market.

We provide a decentralized blockchain-powered solution that profoundly changes the digital broadcasting world for content makers, advertisers, and viewers alike. The absence of KYC, governmental censorship and ease of entry for new content-makers creates a unique environment for real freedom of speech. Advertisers benefit from sponsoring content relevant to their business while paying a fraction of what the market demands.

A user creates or uploads content to the NODVIX platform. Content could be a music video, news story, film, or anything with a frame rate!

A torrent-file (hash file) is generated and uploaded to the Torrent-Nodes. The file also contains a unique wallet address where profits will be sent.

The Torrent-Nodes vote to categorize the content, as well as review the content. Should the content be illegal in nature, the Torrent-Nodes will permanently block the file.

Advertisers then select which category of content they would like to sponsor. These adverts are reviewed, rated, authorized and placed by the Torrent-Nodes.

Content is placed into one of many specialized channels based on the Torrent-Nodes categorization and broadcast to the NODVIX platform network.

Users can watch 24-hour content through the platform based on their interests and preferences. Adverts will appear in a non-intrusive manner periodically and targeted for that category of media.

Our Fundamentals
Decentralised Peer-to-Peer broadcasting and content storage that is highly resistant to censorship, bias, and blocking

Self-regulating content management and monetization of media enabled through the utilization of “Torrent Nodes”

Easy and unrestricted access for all market participants with no limitations placed on geographic location or governmental censorship

Free, equitable access for advertisers and content-makers
An honest division of income to video content creators, publishers, and advertisers
A vast selection of TV channels with globally created content open to all

Watch this video...!

The company's internal digital currency, NDVX, is an ERC20 token and used as both a means of payment and an enabler for the Torrent-Node network.

Advertisers use NDVX to pay for advert airtime on the channel of their choosing along with discounts for utilizing the NDVX tokens.

Content-makers and Uploaders receive NDVX tokens as payment for services.

NDVX tokens create Master-Nodes. This type of Torrent-Node provides a higher rate income (8%) for their participation in the information storage, dissemination services, and content review. Master-Nodes are weighted meaning additional NDVX over the minimum amount will multiply the payout value.

Total supply
Based on the success of ICO & Pre-ICO

50 ETH Soft cap
1000 ETH Hard cap

1500 ETH Soft cap
20000 ETH Hard cap
Token price: ~0.0001 ETH


For More Information:


Bitcointalk name: cold_murchete

Saturday, November 3, 2018

LUCRE - Exclusive Automated Trading & Signal Services for Cryptocurrency

Hello everyone, in this post I will introduce a very interesting project, LUCRE, and here are all the reviews:

Algorithmic trading Platform on a BLOCKCHAIN Network.
LUCRE is an exclusive automated trading system & signal service for Cryptocurrencies, created to outperform the strategy of just holding Cryptocurrencies. It is developed by a team with 8 years of algorithmic trading experience. Holding a Cryptocurrency hasn’t been the best way to increase your wealth lately. LUCRE algorithm was build on a philosophy - Don’t HODL; Trade! allowing trading both ways long and short. The great appeal of this project is the ability to generate revenues in all market conditions, buying and selling at every perceived opportunity. Even when the market is going south the algorithm attempts to make profit by shorting it.

Lucre Trading Algo will be running on a Metatrader trading platform. Token sale participants will get an LCR token which will track the performance of the Algo. The price will be updated regularly to accurately reflect the value of the underlying Crypto assets being traded by the Algo. A participant can trade on the exchanges which will list the LCR token.

LCR token will only be sold during the pre sale and Token sale main event. No further tokens will be minted post Token sale event


Return on HODLing Bitcoin vs Performance of LUCRE Trading Algorithm

Past performances are not indicative of future results
Back-tests of Algo trading were carried out for 365-days over the period 1st April, 2017 – 31st March, 2018 on the MetaTrader's Strategy Tester using high-quality tick data. Trade related expenses are calculated as 1% over-market for every trade executed as spread and any swap (overnight interest) charged if the trade is kept open after 5:00PM EST.


Powered by Blockchain Technology
Participant applies for the LUCRE Token and gets whitelisted (KYC/AML). After receiving the confirmation of been whitelisted the participant then sends the funds (ETH) to the public address of the Token sale event. After receiving the funds, LUCRE smart contract automatically sends the LCR Tokens to the sender’s wallet. Part of these funds are sent to the company reserve fund wallet; At the end of the Token sale event, 40% of the received funds in ETH are liquidated and transferred to the LUCRE Derivatives Trading account where trades are executed by the LUCRE Algo. The trading account is also linked to a third party system where the performance of the Algo is verifiable 24X7.

For every trade executed by the LUCRE Algo, a signal will be sent out to every participant who has contributed more than 1ETH during the Token sale. These signals can be used on Metatrader terminals offered by CFD crypto brokers and in the future will be available for crypto exchanges as well.

Daily performance calculations will take place and posted on the LUCRE dashboard.

  • Total Token supply: 12 500 000 LCR
  • Available for Purchase: 10 000 000 LCR
  • Token Type: ERC20, Ethereum Blockchain
  • Minimum Raise: $1 600 000
  • Maximum Raise: $7 000 000
  • 80% of the tokens allocated to the participants (10 000 000 LCR)
  • 14% for developers and company reserve (1 750 000 LCR)
  • 3% for rewarding advisors (375 000 LCR)
  • 3% is used on Bounty program and marketing (375 000 LCR)
  • Token Pre Sale Period: 15th Oct 2018
  • Token Main Sale Period: 1st Jan 2019 (2 months)
A substantial portion of the funds, 40%, will be dedicated to servicing on the development team and the creation of platforms
Another 40% will be contributed in the Trading Pool to provide profits to the Token sale participants
15% is for capex
3% will be spent on marketing aimed at attracting new users to the platform, creating a community interested in the token and the service
Remaining 2% for legal and compliance fees

Our Roadmap
AUG 2010: Proprietary FX Trading company was createdSEP 2011: First trading Algo was created for major FX pairsJAN 2014: FX trading opened for clientsNOV 2017: Initial Research and Development for CryptocurrenciesAPR 2018: Develop Smart Contract MAY-JUL 2018: Finalize Smart Contract and develop dashboardAUG 28TH 2018: Whitelisting participants; Bounty Program launch;OCT 15TH 2018: Token PresaleJAN 1ST 2019: LCR Token Sale Event LaunchQ2 2019: Public Launch on ExchangesQ2 2019: Final improvement of trading AlgoQ4 2019: Launch Autotrading Service (Beta)Q1 2020: Final version release
For More Information:


Bitcointalk name: cold_murchete

HETACHAIN - Progress of High Performance Blockchain 3.0

Greetings community, in this post I will introduce a very interesting project, HETACHAIN, and here are all the reviews:

HetaChain - A trendy third generation Blockchain Platform

HetaChain is an advance, high- performance blockchain 3.0 built with industrial scale computational capabilities that immutably allows users to deploy decentralized applications devoid of censorship, fraud, downtime or third party incurred costs. It's laden with the ability to operate on a full commercial basis focussed on ushering the world into the next Industrial Revolution 4.0.


HetaChain possesses the capacity to process thousands of commercial scale Dapps transactions in inter-blockchain communication

HetaChain runs a secure and efficient consensus protocol using DPoS and BFT hybrid consensus algorithm. In this way, HetaChain is secured against an array of cyberattacks and other malicious threats which has pushed forth a decentralized system of storing and sharing data which is crucial in the prevalent technological space

HetaChain's flexibility is achieved through ability to freeze and fix broken applications with generalized role-based permissions

HetaChain's unique technology allows for fast transactions approval (TPS) without the risk of downtime. It is built to adequately cater for a high throughput which is one of the commercial attributes of a new generation network addressing the shortcomings of the other existing blockchains

Investing in the future development of blockchain technologies
Committed to building a world class internet infrastructure for Web 3.0 revolution successively heralding the next 4th industrial revolution, HetaChain has commited to investing in the future development of blockchain technologies facilitating the building of applications geared towards making people's lives better and smarter.

Global Reach
HetaChain's unrivaled uniqueness is accessible by everyone from any corner of the world, offering the next generation of transformative technologies to the global economies.

Business Optimization
HetaChain develops an ecosystem that acts as a hub to portfolio companies to smartly unleash their potential through its state of the art technological outputs, offering rich expertise and insights for real-time decision making.

HetaChain has connected founders in all markets with local investors thanks to our strategic partners with worldwide venture leaders.

Heta Tokenization

Projection Timeline & Roadmap

Q1 & Q2 2018
Designing HetaChain 
Writting Whitepaper

Q2 & Q3 2018
Mainchain development 
UI display blockchain data 
Wallet demo 
HetaChain ICO event 
HetaChain ICO private sale 

Q4 2018
HetaChain block explorer demo 
HetaChain test net (test version) 
HetaChain ICO public sale starting 
Listing HETA token on exchange 
Privatechain development 

Q1 2019
Web portal release 
Dapp development 
Smart contract development 
Wallet update (multi-Token) 
HetaChain test net launch 

Q2 2019
Prebuilt Dapp 
Auto create Dapp 
HETA fee calculation portal 
HetaChain block explorer(update) 
HetaChain mainnet (test version) 

Q3 2019
HetaChain mainnet launch

For More Information:


Bitcointalk name: cold_murchete

KOI TOKEN - Utility Tokens Based on Ethereum Networks Below the ERC20 Standard

Hi friends If you are interested in joining the KOI project, you should read reviews that can help you get information that can help yo...