Thursday, June 6, 2019

DAGOMINING - Adequate Basic Natural Mining Field

Hello everyone, in this post I will introduce a very good project, DagoMining, and for more details, let's just go to the following discussion:

Solar energy is developing by leaps and bounds. This happens for a reason, because you can repeatedly hear that the sun is an inexhaustible source of energy. Solar panels are being introduced in such areas as:
  • Industry; agriculture;
  • Private sector;
  • Space; and so on.
People who have solar systems installed will at some point produce an excess of energy. These people are trying to sell this excess energy in order to recover part of the cost of purchasing a renewable system or even to profit from it.

These vital assets are renewable, that is, they are usually replenished. On the contrary, fossil reserves are a limited asset, which will take a huge amount of years to create and use of these resources. 

Renewable energy sources also have a much smaller impact on the earth than fossil fuels that produce poisons, such as ozone-depleting substances, as a by-product, to changes in the atmosphere. To gain access to petroleum derivatives, either mining is usually required, or penetration deep into the earth, often in natural, delicate areas.

Green energy, however, uses sources of vitality, which are quickly available everywhere in the world, including in provincial and remote areas, which, as a rule, do not fit electricity. Advances in sustainable energy have led to lower costs for solar panels, wind turbines, and other sources.

Dago Mining is just a basic adequate natural mining farm, we do not rely on energy companies, we produce energy from solar-focal warm photovoltaic systems, and we have an environmental heat and energy storage system made from batteries salt water, so we can mine even at night. This arrangement with an exceptionally low maintenance cost removes us from the future increase in viability costs, keeping costs at around 0.1–0.2 kopecks / kW.

DAGO mining structured the mining framework with three improvements together: a highly efficient photoelectric framework that uses sun-oriented fixation panels, combined with an inventive framework for accumulating vital forces in salt water batteries, which will cause the ranch to act naturally adequately in terms of viability in 12 a year and a half from the beginning. For dynamic development and collection of equipment for mining using excellent graphics processors, not just video cards and ASIC chips.

Dago Mining decided to produce energy and use it for the extraction of minerals with a concentration of hot sun, and the accumulated energy (hot and electrical) in the ecological plan will give us the opportunity to extract minerals even at night. Work at Mining Dago is very economical, effective for small and medium-sized enterprises, so the cost of products will be less than the results that will be installed later.


DAGO tokens are standard ERC-20 Ethereum.

DAGO tokens give the owner the right to:
  • Receive 50% of mining operations, divided as follows: 40% monthly, 1 month after the start
  • 10% reinvestment to increase mining capacity
  • Receive 20% of the calculation of electricity rent, divided by The following:
  • Monthly payment of 20%, 1 month after the start of reinvestment in the amount of 05% to increase mining capacity.
  • Use the shop to buy mining power at a 30% discount, ICO New Mine, others will apply.
DAGO Mining reinvests 40% of its profits in 18 months, which will be revalued in 2008.
Hardware and photovoltaic elements will increase the overall strength of the hash for all miners for all the benefits, 10% will cover the costs of maintenance, administration, staff, etc.

The volume of the initial problem with the token: 150,000,000 DAGO
Price of tokens in FIAT currency: 1 DAGO = 1 $
Unallocated tokens will be destroyed.

Token Distribution:
  • 85% of token owners
  • 15% of founders and companies
You can join or participate in the DagoMining sales crowd through the following links:

Bitcointalk username: cold_murchete

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