Sunday, September 9, 2018

ALLSPORTER - Markets for Sports Fans, Working in the Peer-to-peer Model

Hello, If you are interested in joining the AllSporter project or you are interested in joining the AllSporter project, it's good to read that can help you find information that might help you in seeing their vision and mission. following the Review:

What is AllSporter?

A marketplace for sports enthusiasts, working in a peer-to-peer model.
A platform to share sports gear, monetise personal data or book trainings, with a practical implementation of blockchain.
An instant access to sports equipment and trainings around the world.
An ecosystem for a blockchain peer-to-peer model, with tokens circulating between users as a currency, making ICO a springboard for future growth.

What do we want to change?

Lower the price of the training by eliminating the middlemen - the value stays in the community.
Give an opportunity to earn money by renting out sports equipment.
Make it possible to find sports equipment easily around the world.
Address problems, discovered through a cooperation with athletes, trainers and sport experts.
Enable seamless access and improve efficiency in the global sports industry.

Win - win solution
AIISporter enables direct connections, decentralising the market, and letting individuals decide on a time, price, and place for the training as well as the equipment.
  • Coins enable commision-free payments
  • Direct connection supports flexibilty
  • Each party can act like a customer, trainer or equipment rentier at once
AllSporter Community

AllSporter is created by people who want to share their passion for sports. 
Thanks to AllSporter you can find a coach, book a training or rent equipment  you have always dreamt of. You can also earn by coaching others and renting your equipment.

Sharing economy
Stop using your garage as a storehouse. Let your equipment earn for you. Rent whenever and however you want. You can also become a coach and earn by sharing your experience and time with others.

Local experience
You'd like to go for an off-road ride in the mountains with someone who is familiar to them? Maybe you want to know where to find the best waves? You can meet the right people to achieve all that with AllSpotrter.

Responsibility for the environment
We believe that if we use our equipment more efficiently the Earth will be cleaner. Let's use raw materials and energy in a more rational way. We should respect the place which lets us carry on with our passions for sports.

Rating database
Find a perfect coach. Rent the exact equipment you want. Thanks to our renting and opinion system you'll be able to choose what's best for you.

Free app now available on Google Play and App Store. 
Check it, download and book trainings or add your own ad!

Maps : You can't even imagine how many interesting events there are in your neighborhood. Use your localisation and check for yourself.
Filters : Thanks to filters you'll find exactly what you are looking for.
Event details : Choose from thousands of offers or add your own.
Dashboard : Your command center in one place.
Calendar : Check your calendar and see if you have any upcoming events.


AllSporter Coin - ERC20 token and smart contract system is based on Ethereum protocol. Thanks to this protocol, AllSporter Coin can be freely transferred between wallets and easily integrated into the cryptomarkets. A total of 260M tokens will be issued.


Allsporter was founded in 2016 on a base of sport passion and solid market research. There was a huge niche in sports industry concerning technology site. Market of trainer services or equipment rental is still running like 20 years ago. AllSporter is game changer and provide full offer of training and sports equipment for all sports in one App/Web. The launch of Allsporter took place in 2017 in Warsaw, Poland and had a great feedback from sports industry. Now it’s time for global develompent and futher innovation like blockchain.

Below You will find our Roadmap:

Q4’18 – Development/ scaling/growth of AllSporter platform in Central Eastern Europe
Q4’18 – Launch of IN-stream training platform
Q1’19 – Coin Wallet development and implementation in allsporter app & launch of side chain
Q1’19 – Research of expansion markets
Q2’19 – Introduction of AllSporter software for event organizers
Integration with AllSporter app
Cryptocurrency payment option
AllSporter Coin prizes for winners

Q2’19 – Expansion to the Asian market and implementation of big data tools
Q4’19 – Expansion to the United States of America
Q1’20 – Expansion to Western European market & Pacifc
Q4’20 – Market expansion worldwide

For More Information:

Bitcointalk name : cold_murchete

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